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Friday, 7 March 2008

The results are in!

Yesterday the results came through for the January exams, in a way I was lucky I only had two exams in January, biology and applied science.

The main point I really want to make her is that I was continually told I was going to fail biology it would be very difficult for me to pass, I was made to feel inferior to the rest of my class, like I didn't deserve to be there. My teacher demoralises me on a regular basis and nothing I can do is right. At parents evening my parents were told it would be very difficult for me to pass, I have a predicted grade of an E and was told I would have to work really really hard to get it.

Naturally all this has made me feel really negative about the subject, it makes me sad to think that I am terrible at my favourite subject. I feel useless, thick and demoralised.

Well I got the result of the January exam and I got a C!

I was so shocked I was walking around college shaking from head to toe in a state of shock!

I got a C in applied science to so it was a good day!

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